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Stress In The Optimists and pessimists

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Rabu, 16 Maret 2011 | 01.42

The difference turned out to affect the individual nature of their reaction to the stress experienced. People who are optimistic are more adaptable to the physical and psychological stress than those who were pessimistic.

Many writings in the media and in various seminars which warns that a severe and prolonged stress will affect one's physical and psychological health. Meanwhile, in everyday life we ​​see that not everyone has a reaction
equal to the same stress. Even mild levels of stress for the A can be felt as a heavy pressure for the B so that he suffered stress-related illness.

Examples are Andi's rapid recovery after a big loss, disappointment and even in great suffering due to the 1997 financial crisis. But not with Indra that it takes a very long and many years to be able to restore itself to normalcy.

What is the cause? Why so? According to Camille B. Wortman and his colleagues in the Psychology book, it happens because there are differences in personality. The experts have traced the personality dimensions that appear to be related to stress and disease caused by stress, is the optimistic and pessimistic nature of one's own.

In a study of the students for example, those who are optimistic and have high test scores were less likely to experience symptoms such as headaches and abdominal pain, compared with students whose value is low.

Other studies have also shown that students who were pessimistic about twice as many who had various infections and ill visit the doctor two times more often than optimistic students. So concluded recently by experts that individuals who are optimistic are more likely to adapt physically and psychologically to stress.

Characteristics that are recognized
So, how can we identify ourselves and others including the optimistic or pessimistic? According Worthman and friends, its properties can be known of how the person reacts to a problem.

Pessimistic people tend to blame themselves if it is bad. For instance, he said, "It's my fault." Usually they are too excessive to conclude the issue, by saying,
This problem will not ever finish, "and," All the chaos would follow. "

Even according to Wortman, a pessimistic person then linking small events in the past and regarded as a threat to its ability to face problems today.

Conversely, people who are optimistic tend to associate a bad event by factors outside itself, and usually only a limited and temporary. "That's not my fault," so usually they say, or, "This must not happen again," and also, "This is not the end of the world." They believe that good things will happen to them and that they will be able to resolve whatever problems that might occur.

Measuring Trends
To find out how the tendency of a person, including the optimistic or pessimistic, here are the questions used to measure it Scheier & Carver. Respondents were only asked to answer "wrong" or "true."

Unfortunately not explained how to measure, so that we can not use it properly. However, we still can use the following questions as raw introspection, that there are certain points of view that perhaps we realize it becomes less important psychologically and show our personality. If necessary, discuss with the experts you trust.

1. In the time it is not necessarily (in general), I usually expect the best of everything.
2. If something wrong could happen to me, it will happen.
3. I always see the bright side (either side) of something.
4. I am always optimistic about my future.
5. I tried hard to get everything going according to my way.
6. Things have never managed to fit the way I want.
7. I am a believer in the idea that 'every cloud has a line
keperakannya '.
8. I rarely rely on the good things that happened to me
01.42 | 0 komentar | Read More

Know Being Genuine Stress

Each person must have felt the stress, but not everyone can find the right solution. That's why, Lyle H. Miller, PhD., And Alma Dell Smith, PhD., Through his book The Stress Solution helps us to define the stress properly. When we were able to map the stress it can easily find a way out.

All people have the same source of stress. This is a wrong statement because every person has a different emotional resilience when faced with various problems or sources of stress.

Stress will always be bad for us. To understand this, we can use the analogy of music. If the strains of soft music, we may think of soothing music. But when we are given the beat of the music is tight, we are only able to say this music memekakan ear. The same applied stress.

When the level of stress is still mild, we can interpret it as a process of maturation itself. But once we are desperate, then we will call the cause of stress as a ruin. But it is like listening to music that we really need is emotional management. How to make our emotions can be in line with the logic to take us way out, because every problem there must be a solution.

Sources of stress is everywhere, so we can not avoid it. Not entirely true, because if we know the purpose of our lives then we do not easily give up with the problem.

Select the most popular ways or that many people use to get out of trouble. Resolving the problem can not use the universality of science. Because every human is born with the uniqueness of each then the way we respond to the existing problems would be different. So we need to do is know yourself to then understand how to map the problem according to our sensibilities.

Stress will be referred to as the stress when we showed symptoms of emotional kelabilan. Not always true, because sometimes we do when we're faced with the denial of a problem. The denial is then piled into a psychological problem that is likely to interfere with our physical health.

Therefore, any small problem that we face, be honest with yourself and find a way out with courage. Due to a problem is normal for every human being.

If you have not reached the level of psychological disorders, do not need to worry. Without us knowing it, even mild stress can affect physical fitness. Signs such as headaches or stomach acid that rises abruptly, often times we think of as common diseases. And where the body will react when our emotions are not stable. For that, you should never underestimate our body language.
01.39 | 0 komentar | Read More

Do not Stress! Sit down and Shut up!

It is impossible to live without stress. But when stress hit you do not need to escape, even taking sedative drugs. Simply take a moment to meditate.

Research shows that meditation combined with talk therapy, called mindfulness meditation can release stress, even depression.

"Depression can trap people in negative thoughts, like 'I'm not good enough', or 'nobody likes me'. This can cause loss of self respect," said Professor Willem Kuyken of the Mood Disorder Centre of Exeter University, England.

Meditation will help us see the negative thoughts as something that is wrong. Our minds will also be trained to see stress as something that can be overcome. In his study, Kuyken and his team found that meditation is as effective as anti-depressant drug use in the long term.

Meditation that do not have to sit cross-legged in a room or a special time. Kuyken said with closed eyes for a moment, focus the mind and release tension can also be used as a form of meditation.

You also may menyugesti yourself when you meditate. Instill in the hearts of positive values ​​about themselves, such as "I am able to do this task."

Various scientific studies report the benefits of meditation, among others, make more relaxing brain, restoring balance and freshness of the body's nerves, strengthen endurance, practice concentration, and so forth.
01.38 | 0 komentar | Read More

5 Food Bidder Stress

Stress, who is not familiar with this word? Almost every individual experience. Especially in those who often chased by time constraints. Stress conditions often make the immune system and result in decreased easy to be sick, from colds to heart disease.

Actually foods that can reduce your stress like a warm oatmeal can increase levels of serotonin in the body so out a sense of calm and comfort. Other foods can reduce levels of cortisol and adrenaline, where they are stress hormones that exist in the body over time. Let's learn so you can feel more comfortable and reduce your stress level.

1. Foods containing complex carbohydrates
Carbohydrates encourage the brain to make serotonin, giving rise to a sense of comfort, it is good to eat complex carbohydrates that can be digested properly. Good choice as a producer of complex carbohydrates are cereals, breads, pasta, and oatmeal. Complex carbohydrates can also make blood sugar levels stabilize.

2. Foods containing simple carbohydrates
Foods that contain simple carbohydrates include candy and soda can reduce stress for a short time. Simple sugars contained in them when ingested, will produce high levels of serotonin.

3. Orange
Oranges contain vitamin C that much vitamin C can reduce stress. A research states that consume 3000 mg of vitamin C before tackling a stressful task that can make cortisol levels and blood pressure became normal again.

4. Spinach
Maybe you still remember Popeye who love to eat spinach? Apparently he was not wrong to make spinach as their favorite food. The content of magnesium in spinach regulate cortisol levels. Magnesium tends to waste from the body when we eat the spinach adds stress and magnesium levels in the body. In addition to spinach, if you are not a lover of spinach, magnesium is also found in salmon and soy beans.

5. Omega-3 Fish
To make cortisol and adrenaline in the body still okay, friends with fish that contain omega-3, such as tuna and salmon. Thus, in addition to reducing stress, also good for protecting the heart. For maximum results, consume 3 ounces of omega-3 fish twice a week.
01.36 | 0 komentar | Read More

Drinking Water for No Easy Stress

Did you know that water and stress are closely related. All parts of the human body always needs water in all its activities. When the water content in each organ shortage, its functions will decline. In addition to more easily exposed to bacteria and viruses, we are also susceptible to stress.

The literature shows, lack of body fluid and a half liters of water demand per day (2 liters) can increase the levels of cortisol, one of the stress hormones. The function of cortisol is to release glucose into the bloodstream as energy.

The hormone cortisol along with stress hormones that can interfere with some other body functions. When only happens once in a while, maybe do not have to worry about. However, if you are often dehydrated, of course, immune function can be affected.

But, that does not mean drinking water glasses would magically remove the pressures of life, ranging from money to a relationship with a partner. But, when during the stress has become a "food" every day, at least you will not get additional stress of dehydration factor.

"Knowingly or not, we become easily dehydrated when he was under pressure or stress. This occurs because of a rapid heartbeat and breathing became heavy, so you lose fluid," said Renee Melton, MS, RD, Nutrition Director Sensei, a program decrease weight.

Plus, when your body and mind are dealing with something stressful, usually we will not remember to drink enough water. In fact, the water really help our concentration.

"Stress can cause the same symptoms as when we are dehydrated, which increases heart rate, nausea, fatigue, and headaches," said Trent Nessler, Director of Baptist Sports Medicine, the United States. If the higher dehydration, it can trigger a decrease in consciousness to brain damage because the brain is the organ most sensitive to water shortages.

Water has an important role in the body, ie, as solvents, catalysts, lubricants, body temperature regulator, and provider of minerals and electrolytes to the body. Thirst is an indication that the body is experiencing mild dehydration.

With a drink on a regular basis, dehydration can be prevented so that the health condition of the body will be better. Thus, to achieve physical and mental abilities better.
01.35 | 0 komentar | Read More

Carbohydrate Addicted to Stress Signs

If you suddenly feel like eating donuts, chocolate, or other snacks while being chased by the deadline or after considering an argument with her husband last night, it is not a sign you're hungry. However, it could be because you're under stress.

Research shows, every time is down, our bodies always feel you need carbohydrates. Sweet foods can make you feel comfortable in a short time, but this will also cause your mood to deteriorate rapidly.

This was revealed by Judith Wurtman PhD, a researcher from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. She and her husband, Professor Richard J Wurtman, has long been interested in examining the link between carbohydrates and the condition of a person's emotions. Research results published in Scientific American in 1989 and several other medical journals.

Wurtman explained, people are addicted to (Craving) able to consume additional carbohydrate 800 calories of a normal calorie needs. If a person is overweight, usually they will try to burn calories by exercising harder or eat less at mealtimes.

People who have the desire to eat more carbohydrates also reported feeling more comfortable, less stressful, and can sleep more soundly after the chewing of food containing sugar.

According to Wurtman, our mood is so improved 20 minutes after eating carbohydrates. "This is because when eating carbohydrates, your body releases the hormone serotonin (happy hormone) more," he explained.

However, keep in mind also that the mood was going to quickly decline again. Then you will feel the need carbs again, and so on until you do not realize your body is classified as obese.
01.34 | 0 komentar | Read More
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